Have you ever wondered what it would be like to write a book? How does the process work? How do you get published? Maybe you just want to get to know one of your favorite upholstery or soft furnishings authors? Join us June 9th for a webinar that’s a little different than our usual format. This time we invited four published professionals to join us and share some insight on the process of getting published. Their book topics range from furniture & automotive upholstery to window coverings. It will be an interview style event with time for questions at the end.
Here's a little bit about our panelists:
Amanda Brown
In 2007, Amanda Brown left her day job and started Spruce, a furniture redesign studio in Austin, Texas. Her fresh aesthetic for interiors has garnered acclaim from publications including the New York Times, Metropolitan Home, and Southern Living. She produced her first instructional DVD, Spruce at Home, in 2011, and authored the “Upholstery Basics” column for Design*Sponge, as well as regular articles for HGTV.com and DIYNetwork.com.
Amanda's book, Spruce: A Step-by-Step Guide to Upholstery and Design (Storey Publishing), was released in October 2013, a labor of love and comprehensive guide for all things upholstery.
Shelly Miller Leer
Shelly Miller Leer has been taking apart furniture and rebuilding it for over 20 years. Her familiar voice and easy-to-follow projects have worked their way through the hands of creators from novice to professional. HomeRoom is the studio home to her courses, workshops, and provides an event space for unique hands-on corporate and private events.
Shelly’s writing and projects have been featured in , curbly.com, apartmenttherapy.com, The Huffington Post, The Indianapolis Star, Indianapolis Monthly Magazine, houzz.com, Country Living Magazine, BobVila.com and others. In the late 1990's, Shelly designed and created a line of children's furniture and accessories for one of the first online children's furniture websites, PoshTots.com. She co-authored three books for curbly.com; Make It: Mid Century Modern, Make It: Secondhand Chic and Make It: Hardware Store Chic.
Additional publications :Digital Apprentice: Intro to Sewing & Upholstery & The Little Upholstery Book: A Beginners Guide to Artisan Upholstery
Fred Mattson